Zerodotzero privacy policy
Crash Logs
In order to provide a reliable and stable app, the app may collect crash information. This information is collected by Google Firebase and often proves to be vital when trying to work out why an app may be crashing. Along with the crash data, a mobile identifier is collected which helps us ascertain how widespread the issue is and therefore assess how critical it is. We value the stability of the app highly and believe the ability to quickly fix critical issues is something that users do (and will) expect from us. As such we use legitimate interests to collect this data.
Data Sharing
Other than the specific scenarios discussed above, We never collect personal data and no data collected is ever shared without your explicit permission. In particular, data that is entered by you, such as expenses and categories, remain within the protected environment of the app at all times unless you choose to export this data yourself.
Email Address
The app does not request or store any email addresses, but you may choose to contact support using your email address. In this case, it is understood that we will use this email address to respond to your support request and will keep a copy of support interactions in case they need to be referred back to at a later date. We will only use this email address for support purposes and will never send any marketing to this email address.
Policy Changes
This Privacy Policy may be revised and modified at some time in the future. We will post on this page and notify you via official notifications or emails. Please check back periodically to keep informed of updates or changes to this Privacy Policy. By continuing to access and to use Budget, you are agreeing to be bound by the revised policy.